National Fire Incident Reporting System

Frequently Asked Questions

What does NFIRS stand for?

National Fire Incident Reporting System, which has been designed as a tool for fire departments nationwide to report and maintain computerized records of fires and other fire department incidents in a uniform manner. NFIRS 5.0 was developed by the United States Fire Administration  (USFA) in partnership with the National Fire Information Council (NFIC) .

Is reporting to ASFM's office mandatory?
Why should I report in NFIRS?
How do I get started reporting in NFIRS?
Where do I send my data?
Who do I contact for help?
Can I get specialized statistical reports for my fire department, county or state?
Our department received a Federal grant that requires NFIRS reporting. How do we get started?
How can I obtain census data for my city?
Where can I get an NFIRS handbook?
My fire department needs an FDID to report in NFIRS. What is an FDID?
How do I get an FDID number assigned?
How do I update my fire department information?